
社會責任 | 石安牧場

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永續發展 -社會責任政策

我們承諾遵守 SA 8000 企業社會責任的要求,勞動法令和環境保護與職業安全衛生法規以及客戶要求的相關規定。
We are committed to complying with the SA 8000 corporate social responsibility requirements, labor laws and regulations on environmental protection and occupational safety and health, as well as relevant regulations requested by our customers.

We do not use or support the use of child labor. We do not allow underage youth workers to engage in work that is dangerous or unsafe for their physical and mental development. We ensure that all employees are treated with equal respect and fairness with respect to all labor rights and interests and that we comply with labor laws regarding working hours and salaries and benefits.


We also hereby declare that:

  1. 尊重勞工人權與法令權益。
    We respect labor rights and their legal interests.
  2. 提供安全與健康的工作環境。
    We provide a safe and healthy working environment.
  3. 確保所有員工接受過相關的安全衛生訓練。
    We ensure that all employees have received relevant safety and health training.
  4. 鼓勵勞資雙方溝通。
    We encourage communication between labors and management.
  5. 提供暢通的投訴管道,來處理及回覆員工的意見。
    We provide an open complaint channel to handle and respond to employee feedback.
  6. 對於供應商及分包商滿足社會責任標準要求的能力,列入採購的考慮項目內。
    We include the ability of suppliers and subcontractors to meet social responsibility standards in procurement considerations.

We are willing to communicate and convey the effectiveness of the implementation of the Farm’s social responsibility policy to external stakeholders. The Farm should provide reasonable information and access to information to the relevant parties to confirm the Farm's compliance with the standard requirements.

管理代表: 石安牧場場長 林逸峰